Details of failure c16a7caa-bf59-4cb3-bf6f-3624d4a0138d

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expected to eventually have Array<ARTPresenceMessage> with count 3, got 2 Actual Value: [<ARTPresenceMessage: 0x6000032465d0> { id: MAfOX-AFzZ:0:0, clientId: john, connectionId: MAfOX-AFzZ, timestamp: 2024-03-17 22:41:27 +0000, encoding: (null), data: online, action: 2, syncSessionId: 0 }, <ARTPresenceMessage: 0x60000318b610> { id: MAfOX-AFzZ:1:0, clientId: john, connectionId: MAfOX-AFzZ, timestamp: 2024-03-17 22:41:27 +0000, encoding: (null), data: away, action: 4, syncSessionId: 0 }] (/Users/runner/work/ably-cocoa/ably-cocoa/Test/Tests/RealtimeClientPresenceTests.swift#EndingLineNumber=497&StartingLineNumber=497)

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