There is 1 failure in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
61b31df7-7bea-4688-a893-d26e653485db | d8280db1-5ba7-4991-afe0-f9c72f78049f | AuthTests | test__155__JWT_and_rest__when_the_JWT_token_embeds_an_Ably_token_and_it_is_requested_as_encrypted__pulls_stats_successfully() | expected to be nil, got <Error 40400 - No application found with id _tmp_nWbhhg. (Key appears to be from a temporary app, but temporary apps are not enabled; check that you're using the correct environment)> (/Users/runner/work/ably-cocoa/ably-cocoa/Spec/Tests/AuthTests.swift#CharacterRangeLen=0&EndingLineNumber=4272&StartingLineNumber=4272) |