You are currently only viewing uploads belonging to the ably/ably-js repo. (overview)
There are 68 recorded failures of this test case.
Failure ID | Upload ID | Uploaded at | Branch | Message |
48981e5f-0cb4-4aa3-a747-5c2a6fb208ab | 240397ed-31d1-48dc-a390-256cfe2e38e6 | 2024-03-06T14:07:08.083Z | WIP/experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group/tests-ci | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id zkHSIg. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
b445cd2c-e258-4a31-b914-ea3879294f3b | 240397ed-31d1-48dc-a390-256cfe2e38e6 | 2024-03-06T14:07:08.083Z | WIP/experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group/tests-ci | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
daa08d65-9a4f-448f-9a42-39f2bd9583e0 | fac3a07d-9660-45ce-9a0a-cce79cc4de17 | 2024-03-06T13:58:47.827Z | WIP/experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group/tests-ci | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id 1t0WCw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
442132a7-db9c-487b-9503-5e9542955249 | fac3a07d-9660-45ce-9a0a-cce79cc4de17 | 2024-03-06T13:58:47.827Z | WIP/experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group/tests-ci | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
da111ff3-b955-41b8-aebf-37eea59616b5 | 4665f897-1aa8-445c-8b55-2adca2fcf560 | 2024-03-06T13:57:21.993Z | WIP/experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group/tests-ci | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
77cb0f71-1951-4a62-a9ed-303a96c76b79 | 4665f897-1aa8-445c-8b55-2adca2fcf560 | 2024-03-06T13:57:21.993Z | WIP/experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group/tests-ci | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id StXbLw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
5be3ef0b-c5b2-46e6-b249-4b677d0ad77b | 8cff0480-50eb-4cf5-aa1d-db1895eebaf8 | 2024-03-05T15:33:47.158Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id TUz7NQ. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
92e9ab60-ad7d-4a19-96c4-627b0ddb7d5d | 8cff0480-50eb-4cf5-aa1d-db1895eebaf8 | 2024-03-05T15:33:47.158Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
2d887343-dc69-4578-853d-2472107f61e7 | ed64b8f7-677c-4545-86a8-a66ecc8bb0ba | 2024-03-05T12:37:44.061Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id 0Bsk_g. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
f9c4c0ae-c3a6-4f8d-b1d7-68137e1c802f | ed64b8f7-677c-4545-86a8-a66ecc8bb0ba | 2024-03-05T12:37:44.061Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
43edb363-0ab2-4467-8580-4ebc1cb5e7d1 | e1e5eeaf-118e-4cca-a417-279e6870a829 | 2024-03-05T12:30:23.563Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id a3QZFg. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
09d9c588-d1ec-4d1b-9c19-7b084648f9d3 | e1e5eeaf-118e-4cca-a417-279e6870a829 | 2024-03-05T12:30:23.563Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
885ff0d5-c6b0-4f15-8d16-ca50389c7632 | 0ad9c1c1-068e-470d-a0aa-c0e4b33f6e40 | 2024-03-05T12:28:41.047Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id 65j21Q. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
003ef369-c5f7-45cd-b044-6d93ac6bf290 | 0ad9c1c1-068e-470d-a0aa-c0e4b33f6e40 | 2024-03-05T12:28:41.047Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
39e5c433-b94e-482c-95e9-029050fd7b1c | 235be5ff-a0d1-44e5-a720-627f52e635d4 | 2024-03-05T12:28:29.846Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id jgSLFw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
5b365c3a-d4f1-4bf0-ba60-9f700b0412a4 | 235be5ff-a0d1-44e5-a720-627f52e635d4 | 2024-03-05T12:28:29.846Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
b1011483-5c00-4e39-b0eb-7829bd2ab9c5 | 720144f7-2c7b-452d-b994-2f60a22750b0 | 2024-03-05T12:20:39.698Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id UKbmng. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
fff1a561-a905-4696-af30-4b26c1b8fb44 | 720144f7-2c7b-452d-b994-2f60a22750b0 | 2024-03-05T12:20:39.698Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
c8f2846e-7fdd-4017-a8f8-745e3064975c | 69c3b63e-e900-4055-94ad-768799f0d12c | 2024-03-05T12:05:44.771Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id rJlDow. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
59054ccb-173e-48c7-aeef-caec6dd13415 | 69c3b63e-e900-4055-94ad-768799f0d12c | 2024-03-05T12:05:44.771Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
6da53090-5545-47ff-a7b0-9f40640b5741 | e8b88b55-9d50-4b09-86c5-b1d8e96d2ba1 | 2024-03-04T12:44:36.498Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id tIw97w. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
2ff9f534-f315-4108-aeb1-7f60e0d68bb3 | e8b88b55-9d50-4b09-86c5-b1d8e96d2ba1 | 2024-03-04T12:44:36.498Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
03fde44d-244b-4073-b2d0-41e3d921c3c1 | 0179a70f-ef3d-4799-b033-4e28e0a19e44 | 2024-03-04T12:29:54.911Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id -BgbNg. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
c4d3d081-d84a-4040-a26b-ea1822cdb105 | 0179a70f-ef3d-4799-b033-4e28e0a19e44 | 2024-03-04T12:29:54.911Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
700e58ad-551a-45e8-8ebf-479d45f50411 | 12841c36-fa62-48f4-97f7-859a9d320f72 | 2024-03-04T12:11:52.296Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: account restricted (connection limit exceeded). (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40111] |
0deb372b-b6ff-4839-8d99-4306172616bb | 12841c36-fa62-48f4-97f7-859a9d320f72 | 2024-03-04T12:11:52.296Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
f720daa9-95b4-4752-bdfb-73ccb4667b6f | 00c05f5b-7191-4804-9fe3-dd009e4bf9b5 | 2024-03-01T20:22:01.977Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id I14YqA. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
7fc70d9c-620a-41f9-a582-47861a1d3d04 | 00c05f5b-7191-4804-9fe3-dd009e4bf9b5 | 2024-03-01T20:22:01.977Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
ea9f981c-2c03-44cb-ab4d-35c7c1b15f77 | af418a2d-b604-480e-bb08-82e87d01eca3 | 2024-03-01T20:19:02.684Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id IkyHCQ. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
aac786aa-75e9-4e62-a587-ab3321662273 | af418a2d-b604-480e-bb08-82e87d01eca3 | 2024-03-01T20:19:02.684Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
c51a172b-0393-44d4-8acd-1014051e1a13 | 3b8556e4-4ed1-4e3f-968a-3284b76592bb | 2024-03-01T20:10:09.974Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id qMcgUQ. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
75926a53-34d0-4d27-8593-f2a89bb14156 | 3b8556e4-4ed1-4e3f-968a-3284b76592bb | 2024-03-01T20:10:09.974Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
977fc853-1bb5-413e-98b7-03d73dda2183 | bb19ba83-27ca-4046-9839-3d1c6e72e40a | 2024-03-01T20:08:24.202Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
efa9ea29-83ab-4f34-a940-a1599487fa22 | bb19ba83-27ca-4046-9839-3d1c6e72e40a | 2024-03-01T20:08:24.202Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id iddoHg. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
75b15027-1a68-4046-9e18-7ea576b3c7c2 | f3155131-d4b0-42fe-a39a-7664f2772211 | 2024-03-01T20:04:42.212Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id 0YREog. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
c2940529-3cdc-4ea5-94c3-49c92bd82f8b | f3155131-d4b0-42fe-a39a-7664f2772211 | 2024-03-01T20:04:42.212Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
f30abf2f-369c-4318-9ae3-28cca565fe53 | 524d9265-28ef-4b98-8e16-fb9715618202 | 2024-03-01T19:58:19.440Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id 43CMjw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
0714852c-39da-4cb0-9cce-4860c898f826 | 524d9265-28ef-4b98-8e16-fb9715618202 | 2024-03-01T19:58:19.440Z | experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
885c5861-8012-41e0-8869-e125b8681166 | f019251a-7043-4d42-8115-a02cbbefe8f9 | 2024-03-01T19:12:55.356Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
26619152-381b-499f-8f84-9296213b3181 | f019251a-7043-4d42-8115-a02cbbefe8f9 | 2024-03-01T19:12:55.356Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id BuT8rA. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
f2b810e2-631c-43b4-827b-fcc6886a8f66 | 13febbcc-98a4-4fe1-9e9a-31b7729b04f1 | 2024-03-01T19:07:25.788Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id nkhlRw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
8dff0ea8-d77b-4b73-97ec-42d6a06cfc19 | 13febbcc-98a4-4fe1-9e9a-31b7729b04f1 | 2024-03-01T19:07:25.788Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
b4ec19b2-5526-4d90-b0d1-b6b8f4662d63 | 1f7465d7-33a7-4b0e-b6ac-1d02307ce750 | 2024-03-01T19:06:12.037Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id P45jcA. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
49e3d9cf-ba2d-4abd-8e9b-874a1bef5b12 | 1f7465d7-33a7-4b0e-b6ac-1d02307ce750 | 2024-03-01T19:06:12.037Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
8e9a5977-6f83-45cf-82a9-2c41db0f8dc6 | 2a420289-9d55-42a7-ae25-26c8eb2f6f4d | 2024-03-01T18:59:59.998Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id cHc9Mg. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
9683ee1a-b470-42f5-9301-426b8de71729 | 2a420289-9d55-42a7-ae25-26c8eb2f6f4d | 2024-03-01T18:59:59.998Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
9a73f029-b385-400c-a1ba-9b9d3e4b6e0a | 83986452-4e93-418b-9d86-9702f4586d5d | 2024-03-01T18:55:43.812Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id NynmpA. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
5161d49e-087e-4b89-9079-c35f975943cd | 83986452-4e93-418b-9d86-9702f4586d5d | 2024-03-01T18:55:43.812Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
ea7aa7a3-d071-4c89-97b2-865f1aae2fe6 | 43092a63-5938-48e8-9fea-25a67d77bab1 | 2024-03-01T18:53:10.977Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id AP5ndA. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
c00efae8-0b29-42b3-8b91-02ee78aa8265 | 43092a63-5938-48e8-9fea-25a67d77bab1 | 2024-03-01T18:53:10.977Z | feature/REA-1808-channel-keep-alive | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
b1036527-7e0f-4232-b04b-6035c14aacc3 | 29652cec-612a-40cb-b24c-35648deecd07 | 2024-03-01T16:59:14.284Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id SQB0lw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
6a21a148-adba-4f76-9064-602ecc07361d | 29652cec-612a-40cb-b24c-35648deecd07 | 2024-03-01T16:59:14.284Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
1c2b0609-8846-4a6b-a02d-1d2f71a80723 | 50a43b57-f053-4efe-981b-46957968b511 | 2024-03-01T16:47:54.372Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id 0zcYXA. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
3616dd4a-8c17-4575-800e-4c75d8e1e084 | 50a43b57-f053-4efe-981b-46957968b511 | 2024-03-01T16:47:54.372Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
2aa908c5-cfe1-4989-bffb-0b9d2ffd9093 | c9c281a4-1910-46bf-a597-5c36bce493f0 | 2024-03-01T16:40:13.806Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id kcuBxw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
ce98e231-6930-4bd4-969e-a5ebbbba6500 | c9c281a4-1910-46bf-a597-5c36bce493f0 | 2024-03-01T16:40:13.806Z | feature/REA-1808-modules | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
95ec04e5-3a28-4000-9edc-97557e99a539 | eed4b861-6a75-440c-8519-3e58871b61bf | 2024-03-01T12:15:14.580Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
f1585fd4-4f04-427a-a3f0-2ea490ea43b7 | eed4b861-6a75-440c-8519-3e58871b61bf | 2024-03-01T12:15:14.580Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id 6Kcilw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
aa3bb843-6470-4e92-95ff-d02e2a24d601 | 82a45a44-cb57-4d94-84d8-20572622126e | 2024-03-01T12:14:36.526Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id tBpwow. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
0e75bb67-8467-450d-ba7e-b7eca314ef49 | 82a45a44-cb57-4d94-84d8-20572622126e | 2024-03-01T12:14:36.526Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
d19bcd19-5238-494d-9789-ff724e71845e | b4a7a5fe-480f-4b12-ab79-0c9c4c5fe747 | 2024-03-01T11:58:30.595Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id XYlIqA. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
705f5961-194e-4cab-893f-7120769ed5ae | b4a7a5fe-480f-4b12-ab79-0c9c4c5fe747 | 2024-03-01T11:58:30.595Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
e53b9b5e-5875-4f43-b307-a60e27a760a1 | 266a82e0-b942-4a81-b95e-402ec03a1d40 | 2024-02-29T19:55:42.979Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id JFXzsQ. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
988faa72-08e1-46ca-a944-05e4c8aee3d5 | 266a82e0-b942-4a81-b95e-402ec03a1d40 | 2024-02-29T19:55:42.979Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
58f04236-52ae-4c6d-8630-4660b30dea66 | d145131a-e723-4d56-a9ea-b8ae73f63b94 | 2024-02-29T19:39:50.683Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id wTTfWg. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |
bb1eb666-49d2-416c-8c7b-0e05902bf8f7 | d145131a-e723-4d56-a9ea-b8ae73f63b94 | 2024-02-29T19:39:50.683Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
9faf3475-6fe4-4947-a945-feec7b3d2e7d | 48918395-55d1-48d8-9b67-f01d06e39ac4 | 2024-02-29T19:31:19.408Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | Connection monitoring: state changed to failed, aborting test |
bb810307-c5cf-44f0-a546-7d7b37e48f66 | 48918395-55d1-48d8-9b67-f01d06e39ac4 | 2024-02-29T19:31:19.408Z | feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object | done() called multiple times in test <browser/modules Vcdiff unusedPlugin>; in addition, done() received error: [_ErrorInfo: No key found with id ouyOOw. (See for help.); statusCode=401; code=40400] |