Details of test case 6b595872-0317-4589-9860-e176796944bb

Test class name
Test case name
realtime/auth auth_expired_token_string_with_xhr_streaming_text_transport


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There are 2 recorded failures of this test case.

Failure ID Upload ID Uploaded at Branch Message
8a5d1afc-9f79-41c0-9da3-f822035d9714 0ad9c1c1-068e-470d-a0aa-c0e4b33f6e40 2024-03-05T12:28:41.047Z experimental-v2/channel-and-consumer-group Request aborted due to request timeout expiring (event type: abort)
a743f436-42d6-4d6b-8aa1-286ee1c7ee82 eed4b861-6a75-440c-8519-3e58871b61bf 2024-03-01T12:15:14.580Z feature/REA-1808-use-separate-channel-object Request aborted due to request timeout expiring (event type: abort)