Details of test case 9745cda9-87cf-4a76-a224-60eb8ab24a38

Test class name
can subscribe to multiple incoming operations on a LiveMap
Test case name
realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can subscribe to multiple incoming operations on a LiveMap


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There are 12 recorded failures of this test case.

Failure ID Upload ID Uploaded at Branch Message
b6efec59-dcb4-43f1-9234-4c23db2dec63 0d6c0e6d-2c89-4955-8719-52b20167d3db 2024-11-08T12:58:20.952Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
0af02ad4-2017-4545-a138-c3d9032d5862 525d7a6d-a1d2-4b51-bfa3-ec0135b63d20 2024-11-08T12:58:22.779Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
adbd7523-2bda-47ff-8e6f-ddc7be1a2ec1 a0a4874b-b877-4dd5-9ba0-2a6b8a558114 2024-11-08T12:58:23.853Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
a5b5489c-aea8-4728-82eb-4acc9210d136 b3a454a0-73f5-436f-848a-ad5ee7a918da 2024-11-08T12:58:34.454Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
6ded82fc-5c20-4371-a49e-3b05cd8a5dab 8f534cb7-8da1-4379-a825-119ea12f4040 2024-11-08T12:58:50.660Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
86866c7b-45ba-4a7e-8103-81385d274e07 72da1a5a-35fa-4931-b692-ed0733c17a78 2024-11-08T12:59:24.256Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
f6530dc0-f2fe-46be-9250-85a5086c3a63 085c445f-7f5f-45bc-8367-1b92885e41cb 2024-11-08T12:59:44.526Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
07d37978-772d-4e31-b54e-e40bd879221a 0411f0ce-24d9-4119-a545-be6305e14aee 2024-11-08T12:59:47.325Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
ede37661-2bd5-4d90-bcc3-db523831ad5f 1fb2befe-3ec1-44ec-9f6b-717560202965 2024-11-08T13:00:31.393Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
fefca593-eb9e-42cc-88fd-6cc736a7c690 50b03c8d-acb9-4780-9bbe-00ad541a147b 2024-11-08T13:02:47.935Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
19dca452-4909-4598-a447-03fc3c34efd2 80b09a71-db81-4ebc-ac36-1d77caaf7316 2024-11-08T13:04:02.324Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }
5f6fdcb9-9e93-4a79-a1ec-0b74128abbbc 7448d99e-1351-4025-8bcd-8b80af144202 2024-11-08T13:04:11.760Z liveobjects/subscriptions Check map subscription callback is called with an expected update object for 3 times: expected { update: { foo: 'removed' } } to deeply equal { update: { foo: 'deleted' } }