There are 2 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
e306d86d-2cb4-4bca-ad57-f4659f9c8b37 | b90d00dc-3ab8-44e3-85c5-4205aab5f652 | init_and_connection_details | realtime/init init_and_connection_details | clientId should be set on the Auth object from connectionDetails: expected undefined to equal 'customClientId' |
bd352fa1-1ed5-479f-a7cf-845484abe094 | 638bf20e-dbdf-4ff6-b21b-4574d8d4dd6c | resume_active_with_xhr_streaming_text_transport | realtime/resume resume_active_with_xhr_streaming_text_transport | Verify Phase 3 messages all received: expected +0 to equal 5 |