Details of upload 0b356ab2-b1c7-41d5-8592-05e7f1801f3e

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Test failures

There are 74 failures in this upload.

Failure ID Test case ID Test class Test case Message
9d5128a0-6321-4fe9-813f-f91be025c368 891e4b7c-73a7-485d-b8c9-f42cdaa392d3 connectionQueuing realtime/connection connectionQueuing Expect second message to not have been merged with the attempted message: expected 2 to equal 1
1560e70a-3ee2-44f2-8168-47b6ee7eeb55 36040d59-902b-4780-a9b6-ed8db8f41021 message_decoding realtime/encoding message_decoding unenvelope(): Response body is missing
e7ce29d1-58b3-45c5-b78f-913727f79e45 2974f30b-6ca4-4616-9025-7f7d95787d3f message_encoding realtime/encoding message_encoding unenvelope(): Response body is missing
7f8ac892-35e5-4cee-bb1b-9a00ba7fd9a7 ca681e5a-b26c-42ef-ad71-5a3bbca44d41 history_until_attach realtime/history history_until_attach unenvelope(): Response body is missing
8efc8fff-72f0-40e5-aa73-7650ac8c920a a48b8526-fefd-4531-b38b-a5aa81258834 presenceHistory realtime/presence presenceHistory unenvelope(): Response body is missing
833b988f-97d3-49bf-ae67-b3451e3bbfa5 5a018b09-fb1d-46c2-9104-e34062f79582 Basic rest JWT rest/auth Basic rest JWT unenvelope(): Response body is missing
8e0aab34-097e-477a-a1ef-83964b141215 e8633f6d-7494-446f-875e-243b67bac028 Rest JWT with return type rest/auth Rest JWT with return type unenvelope(): Response body is missing
73121847-eb8c-4e94-9fa8-23213c750910 9c05535a-a6c7-41af-b09e-300530db44a0 Rest embedded JWT rest/auth Rest embedded JWT unenvelope(): Response body is missing
b0c5d3db-e6c5-46ff-b516-171439a07dd6 0f05f3f3-84b7-47d0-be3d-c4f594d7b8fb Rest embedded JWT with encryption rest/auth Rest embedded JWT with encryption unenvelope(): Response body is missing
fd810960-ca54-46e3-91ee-a43d74389e16 985723a9-17cb-4e6a-84a9-5e4cd4ea6268 JWT request with invalid key rest/auth JWT request with invalid key Verify token is invalid because app id does not exist: expected null to equal 40400
e0205eba-f1c9-4abf-99b2-d20d6ef24e42 9cd57e1b-b26e-4f63-9b16-3260e17ae4fa Rest JWT with authCallback rest/auth Rest JWT with authCallback unenvelope(): Response body is missing
435f08c3-0db7-48c3-987a-fe38e881bad9 731541b9-a03d-4512-9059-e73035b1c9a2 Rest JWT with authCallback and invalid keys rest/auth Rest JWT with authCallback and invalid keys Verify code is 40400: expected null to equal 40400
82ab5d7f-0b8f-4cea-8ea5-67a3f9bd8c9d 8bc48cd2-8e18-461b-b8c1-52da628de00e authCallback is only invoked once on concurrent auth rest/auth authCallback is only invoked once on concurrent auth unenvelope(): Response body is missing
d703fb8f-1235-4d7c-af45-ea22d00fbf84 e174a94b-2ca2-49d0-8427-6a30586ef8a4 history_simple with binary protocol rest/history history_simple with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
2377419e-252f-4c9e-b200-32e58da53b7b b66e4930-4a36-4424-afff-51502d3e9461 history_simple with text protocol rest/history history_simple with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
7b0f3f23-a570-4930-ade4-413ecbe68f36 4b146c77-312c-4c4c-9504-b350e6e14be7 history_multiple with binary protocol rest/history history_multiple with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
6a6d0a14-abc0-4d31-99f3-e1a9b8874a41 8053abaa-edf9-4f9a-a818-560ce00f1a0d history_multiple with text protocol rest/history history_multiple with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
84d0aafa-3d8f-49d7-bcad-1581658fcd25 aa418f13-50c8-4e2f-8520-90d2aa1e9692 history_simple_paginated_b with binary protocol rest/history history_simple_paginated_b with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
50b09102-4237-4e6a-9df9-eb4b5d7423e7 9cf65513-6bbd-43d4-901d-2a7c653ee786 history_simple_paginated_b with text protocol rest/history history_simple_paginated_b with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
e090a493-f04c-40df-8982-ab02ce286433 46509fbb-2b7e-445e-9006-0774f20818de history_simple_paginated_f rest/history history_simple_paginated_f unenvelope(): Response body is missing
cc1fd426-e22f-4874-bdf9-83bed646fcef 0e3687a1-4f0a-4c23-9a14-10dff3fd551a history_multiple_paginated_b rest/history history_multiple_paginated_b unenvelope(): Response body is missing
01eebecb-396e-4991-85d7-0fcedcca13c2 29c3f559-6f79-4abb-8b63-c875ce7bd8e4 history_multiple_paginated_f rest/history history_multiple_paginated_f unenvelope(): Response body is missing
e2ec4e71-2068-47e2-8216-95d548eafc27 42a35d3a-fdc8-4d69-9c6b-380423ee05a3 history_encoding_errors with binary protocol rest/history history_encoding_errors with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
52e03755-e746-4cba-a002-dbca4319a45f 1e4fdb4a-b0d2-4be1-bf2f-2c559e5a26bd history_encoding_errors with text protocol rest/history history_encoding_errors with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
77ea5d23-04e6-4a57-bab9-d6999a1d9052 37a8fe01-e41f-40d0-892c-521cda54a0c6 history_no_next_page with binary protocol rest/history history_no_next_page with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
5b219ebb-2c31-4061-90e3-3d6ad3109012 bbe2ee19-2aa1-4776-94d9-8eb8c462233b history_no_next_page with text protocol rest/history history_no_next_page with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
ea393346-5d86-415d-a632-20ee45c8ab62 a8bc2c10-dc8c-4e89-8223-e5e1b7004790 Should send X-Ably-Version and Ably-Agent headers in get/post requests rest/http Should send X-Ably-Version and Ably-Agent headers in get/post requests unenvelope(): Response body is missing
80b6a512-5f9d-49d1-97c3-3f7cee463cc4 62a0afef-9b55-4ca9-858d-cd8e070e8f92 Should implicitly send clientId when authenticated with clientId rest/message Should implicitly send clientId when authenticated with clientId unenvelope(): Response body is missing
050e7062-2517-47ea-8bd8-578b7ee192a9 3f3f73a8-0ce9-45ca-b921-6faee405bd8f Should publish clientId when provided explicitly in message rest/message Should publish clientId when provided explicitly in message unenvelope(): Response body is missing
40ae45ec-4b8d-42a9-8b57-89cbc3029f62 ffee4de2-3a40-4f75-a674-95aa9204f823 Should error when clientId sent in message is different than authenticated clientId rest/message Should error when clientId sent in message is different than authenticated clientId unenvelope(): Response body is missing
e6d34965-fe92-4c93-a251-f31a2fb0a8ad 0adddaa4-b83d-48b2-8c1d-1543f2cca9e9 Should send correct IDs when idempotentRestPublishing set to false rest/message Should send correct IDs when idempotentRestPublishing set to false unenvelope(): Response body is missing
66bda375-5dbf-49fd-95f3-884cb08aa51a b221c743-69f9-4a65-9020-5978f1e6ee5e Should add IDs when automatic idempotent rest publishing option enabled rest/message Should add IDs when automatic idempotent rest publishing option enabled unenvelope(): Response body is missing
cb840787-e71a-4a27-8863-5d81d6eeb855 08b1cb16-69b0-4153-a19a-386eeaefc8a8 Presence get simple rest/presence Presence get simple unenvelope(): Response body is missing
6b18f2c1-ffa4-4597-be91-572b5c48ddf2 4dd9f608-309a-4725-9422-dc046d3dad55 Presence history simple rest/presence Presence history simple unenvelope(): Response body is missing
5a50a9a1-f1a2-4f0a-b6c9-430430bc0691 866a8a10-3c58-4084-91d4-c69f84b2b2a0 Presence message JSON serialisation rest/presence Presence message JSON serialisation unenvelope(): Response body is missing
234e6356-76b9-4b3f-ad82-02c885fd59f4 26810646-ed45-4782-b863-d14a70b86c84 Get subscriptions rest/push Get subscriptions unenvelope(): Response body is missing
c276324f-c489-4b34-b95f-b5ca0586d458 72da82f9-7b72-4f96-9923-66fe933d31f6 deviceRegistrations get and list rest/push deviceRegistrations get and list unenvelope(): Response body is missing
48803a0e-becf-4bb3-a286-2a6bd6331c53 853eb2cd-b8af-449c-94a4-0d3ec5035d32 channelSubscriptions save rest/push channelSubscriptions save unenvelope(): Response body is missing
b982e1d9-68b6-4a6b-bdc5-b9a5fcc89ef8 9cc5e17b-2c61-46a8-ba27-55a0401701b0 channelSubscriptions get rest/push channelSubscriptions get unenvelope(): Response body is missing
625d4555-a065-40dc-a55a-ed3d57865aef bcab7dab-07e8-4260-9bac-2dae8579056e channelSubscriptions listChannels rest/push channelSubscriptions listChannels unenvelope(): Response body is missing
85d5e59e-6401-4c54-a936-8807dae01215 683619bd-fb38-4b92-963b-05fee0a96031 request_time with binary protocol rest/request request_time with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
bf5b8a70-c8ed-46dd-b225-804c542fbcea ae0fc2ed-edd3-416a-93b8-65c8992f5d46 request_time with text protocol rest/request request_time with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
f010f69b-fdaa-467b-880d-d0230c4c2006 29266d09-450f-4689-8bfc-8be5113140db request_404 with binary protocol rest/request request_404 with binary protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
9ab6475e-65c3-4c77-9484-7dfb8758a638 2210241c-37f6-46ca-a1ee-e9846828d410 request_404 with text protocol rest/request request_404 with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
1b4f14f0-2b7d-4142-b58e-ee7988de81f9 9257399c-feb6-4ba5-a1d8-2c54b385d483 request_post_get_messages with binary protocol rest/request request_post_get_messages with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
5bc4908d-c845-4edb-8246-522a94cc1fe8 f05ba40a-042c-4f66-ab92-aaad4ed63eda request_post_get_messages with text protocol rest/request request_post_get_messages with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
ca592f56-ea0a-4c0b-968d-a570125bc100 0f43c16f-58d2-4e5a-ba2c-68ea6ded4f73 request_batch_api_success with binary protocol rest/request request_batch_api_success with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
24bb48f7-a35d-4f1b-8aa4-b4afa37cdff7 181b8c3a-5359-4eb2-871c-a6386961ee89 request_batch_api_success with text protocol rest/request request_batch_api_success with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
60ae59c5-2a37-43bf-8a25-ff3979250705 d935f831-f470-4da8-a5eb-b04a95c361a4 checkput rest/request checkput unenvelope(): Response body is missing
d0c31936-321e-4045-8ab5-b7dd8046cfea 8d6163be-e23c-4632-abff-e4920004a3b5 checkpatch rest/request checkpatch unenvelope(): Response body is missing
192c5d2b-0191-4159-9c4a-1f9a65ef69f3 64757b23-b00a-4cfa-9618-530c71be7471 checkdelete rest/request checkdelete unenvelope(): Response body is missing
a7fc8157-5c09-4adc-86b6-f108a61c7155 6b5726b5-8a94-45cd-93f4-ba3333b96e5d appstats_minute0 rest/stats appstats_minute0 unenvelope(): Response body is missing
a3e6538c-f896-4db1-bf4e-12d59a79032f 9b5d62ed-994f-4c17-8d06-d3741ebc5b21 appstats_minute1 rest/stats appstats_minute1 unenvelope(): Response body is missing
559bd79d-4f95-45f4-abb5-3eb68c626da5 e824f18e-2bec-4e85-81b0-94fce54d37ac appstats_hour0 rest/stats appstats_hour0 unenvelope(): Response body is missing
e69b6deb-7c63-4cdc-87de-5da5c4b8cf61 b3f0a2da-7724-49fa-9408-1f2fa7bc7f52 appstats_limit_backwards rest/stats appstats_limit_backwards unenvelope(): Response body is missing
424b5a01-5407-4901-9d46-46cab089c99c 587cebae-a31a-4ff3-a571-35aa423ced9b appstats_limit_forwards rest/stats appstats_limit_forwards unenvelope(): Response body is missing
6e5f0720-a2b4-439c-807c-13c5d1217f05 9a734c90-b4eb-48c4-84cb-0f784e24f480 appstats_pagination_backwards rest/stats appstats_pagination_backwards unenvelope(): Response body is missing
f31ce5ef-aea9-4eed-8d82-9c31f48dbe33 c0e1cd8b-b4ab-4537-a954-bb741bbda7d9 appstats_pagination_forwards rest/stats appstats_pagination_forwards unenvelope(): Response body is missing
fe353480-8142-452b-90cc-8fa56459b9e1 d0ae6741-7d28-4717-a89c-c9a3b907eed7 appstats_pagination_omitted rest/stats appstats_pagination_omitted unenvelope(): Response body is missing
fa8bc764-cac7-4355-a644-48d625854261 5ec6acff-f190-4bb8-96ea-158e304901c9 status0 with binary protocol rest/status status0 with binary protocol TypeError: First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer
ca685d44-b6da-4161-b56d-7df4effd3752 9823d96e-8c08-40b0-9213-ea2e2ac3acfa status0 with text protocol rest/status status0 with text protocol unenvelope(): Response body is missing
4130e322-92f6-4b17-a568-f0ed759a9e1c effc159f-63a0-4318-9658-50617476999d performs a batch publish and returns an array of results rest/batchPublish when invoked with an array of specs performs a batch publish and returns an array of results unenvelope(): Response body is missing
f719c1ff-3865-4526-b9f8-7d2ea13c428e 81db5bb3-23fd-4b77-af6d-cf193191c833 performs a batch publish and returns a single result rest/batchPublish when invoked with a single spec performs a batch publish and returns a single result unenvelope(): Response body is missing
393f32e3-21ec-4ae0-aa6a-198f2a8ad3ab 0a1dfc49-66ae-435e-83e5-f02b9b1778bd throws an error when using token auth rest/revokeTokens throws an error when using token auth expected false to be true
b0cdc73a-69fd-404e-8c5d-c4bacf9a5d13 bd213a35-b3a0-4d38-ac13-c66efed708ed allows you to call `stats()` browser/modules Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call `stats()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
bab2ebfd-d4c1-4ace-8f29-9cd799f54cb2 e3956fc5-57c5-4e05-8590-eb28065155e1 allows you to call `request(...)` browser/modules Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call `request(...)` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
3e98dfaa-952b-4ca0-95c9-612d5c40b565 3427c6df-1864-491b-bfb8-0bcaa1dd9bb6 allows you to call channel’s `history()` browser/modules Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call channel’s `history()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
81c59023-52b3-4f51-9e6b-9283654d3d24 98fff0aa-cee8-4c34-926b-0bfe90840950 allows you to call channel’s `presence.history()` browser/modules Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call channel’s `presence.history()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
16b14987-be83-4d41-958d-1933f5510c28 010b0e21-0b53-4a71-94f9-f1c4d2fbb6b4 allows you to call channel’s `status()` browser/modules Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call channel’s `status()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
17cb9eaf-4285-40a8-a5cc-d21a54205560 e50958cd-dc6b-4b62-9ad6-5e7516a4363e allows you to call `stats()` browser/modules Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call `stats()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
72548b95-8972-4147-a126-d2c4f3183969 61bfcd64-6e9d-46ab-b28c-11a77ccf1137 allows you to call `request(...)` browser/modules Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call `request(...)` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
5e95ea3d-7819-45c8-b93f-842a5f9227a3 ce0f7180-5acb-4c81-a0c6-baaa3b1e4011 allows you to call channel’s `history()` browser/modules Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call channel’s `history()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
7b32e69d-bc64-4fa8-998e-c7efd6970964 d92ee895-426a-4c12-b1d9-f65d76211ff0 allows you to call channel’s `presence.history()` browser/modules Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call channel’s `presence.history()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null
42a06b30-1cd7-45e6-b073-847f0f2c19e1 12dd4667-a1bb-4105-9b6f-fa23444dbb0a allows you to call channel’s `status()` browser/modules Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call channel’s `status()` expected Error: unenvelope(): Response body is mis… { …(3) } to be null