There are 4 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
533f9567-e7f0-4ca8-95f4-0dff11c43764 | 5147ab30-7b8d-4c6a-9fee-d1b10cff0d49 | "before all" hook for "" | realtime/annotations "before all" hook for "" | rest is not defined |
d164571d-b18c-4fed-b0c3-36eed9a43290 | 9e9b8cbc-53e7-426c-b4bd-be1285dfa453 | attachWithInvalidChannelParams | realtime/channel attachWithInvalidChannelParams | Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/home/runner/work/ably-js/ably-js/test/realtime/channel.test.js) |
9712436b-a773-4d99-9cb1-064f8d3715a6 | e41f11b1-e035-4dbc-8d93-e6684b9b7859 | server_sent_detached_while_attaching | realtime/channel server_sent_detached_while_attaching | check error is propogated to the attach callback: expected undefined to equal 50000 |
21b28453-b77d-4f9f-aba4-bf3276f62507 | 85c093c7-0c39-44cb-831d-9f902b82a8a6 | presenceClientIdIsImplicit | realtime/presence presenceClientIdIsImplicit | Timeout of 20000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/home/runner/work/ably-js/ably-js/test/realtime/presence.test.js) |