There are 22 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
acf0f89f-c33d-467b-9ea4-e4a8dcdb2bde | 992d5071-16c9-4531-8774-f5445a7e75f5 | set channelSerial field for ATTACH ProtocolMessage if available | realtime/channel set channelSerial field for ATTACH ProtocolMessage if available | expected 'channelSerial' to equal 'channelSerial2' |
24485343-de90-49d9-8db9-0e75731db52e | 23011b56-a353-4e96-b638-1d1b1e554706 | invalid_cred_failure | realtime/failure invalid_cred_failure | wrong error reason code on connection.: expected 40101 to equal 40400 |
bd9cbc5a-5d45-42b1-8f96-d5c0672de982 | 965dc96c-5721-40fb-8ce8-f5c03d94c013 | can apply MAP_CREATE with primitives state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply MAP_CREATE with primitives state operation messages | Check map at "valuesMap" key in root exists: expected undefined to exist |
4f0cb7d1-6432-472e-9337-122fec421271 | fd0af668-bf34-42d9-af06-a844bc85eef4 | MAP_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin MAP_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
9d5a7caa-a059-4086-a935-6e743bc5cf73 | 215289e3-612a-4cfb-be3e-2c3824c9f1d0 | can apply MAP_SET with object ids state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply MAP_SET with object ids state operation messages | Check map at "keyToMap" key in root exists: expected undefined to exist |
928a6736-f0f8-419a-818e-9da1f613e5e9 | 7366c246-2d0b-4fc1-ae7a-2a34718383a5 | MAP_SET state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin MAP_SET state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
d3ce6536-8a85-4e33-86a5-c2f5376d9ccd | 87c2caf7-369f-4e7d-81cf-b32ec1e5461d | MAP_REMOVE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin MAP_REMOVE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
344ee3e5-575d-42aa-818c-5ae444d60916 | fccfda3e-e16c-4136-bf8d-8eec77369e3b | COUNTER_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin COUNTER_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
7eceae87-635f-4a4a-a6a4-eb5e5dee9cd0 | 59bddbf9-1802-4354-8167-e138ee3935e1 | can apply COUNTER_INC state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply COUNTER_INC state operation messages | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value') |
efc374da-0fa3-490b-90e7-cd60289d4e32 | 0660bf9e-725e-429b-9e59-68eef594a77f | COUNTER_INC state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin COUNTER_INC state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
d4990d50-bba6-4f37-a7fa-41052455893b | 3576a3c7-d1b7-4fc5-b6ed-700577515f9e | can apply OBJECT_DELETE state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply OBJECT_DELETE state operation messages | Check counter exists on root before OBJECT_DELETE: expected undefined to exist |
270f46c7-3fc7-460f-ac93-8457aa1b8472 | 8f38b21d-1807-4a8c-bce5-17304179231b | OBJECT_DELETE for unknown object id creates zero-value tombstoned object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin OBJECT_DELETE for unknown object id creates zero-value tombstoned object | Invalid object id string |
6c48fd4e-dcf5-4fb3-8114-0daf28057986 | 9e02c8f1-7159-40a7-a1c3-d4ecd143866b | OBJECT_DELETE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin OBJECT_DELETE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
f9c0137b-d881-4a93-80e4-704c1048aeec | ff4b0940-fb27-4846-9864-c4842d3f2161 | LiveCounter.decrement throws on invalid input | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin LiveCounter.decrement throws on invalid input | expected 'Cannot read properties of undefined (…' to contain 'Counter value decrement should be a v…' |
b307a9e6-7142-4922-9425-df90c1dbb585 | 40035b5d-ecdb-4d5a-828f-49820a946ed9 | LiveMap.set sends MAP_SET operation with primitive values | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin LiveMap.set sends MAP_SET operation with primitive values | Check root has correct value for "bytesKey" key after LiveMap.set call: expected Buffer[ 123, 34, 112, 114, 111, …(-57) ] to equal Buffer[ 123, 34, 112, 114, 111, …(-57) ] |
2fec33ad-ee9a-4013-8d75-d73c0606800a | fd5c9058-7206-46f0-ae5a-7ed516baff7b | LiveObjects.createMap sends MAP_CREATE operation with primitive values | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin LiveObjects.createMap sends MAP_CREATE operation with primitive values | Check map #2 has correct value for "bytesKey" key: expected Buffer[ 123, 34, 112, 114, 111, …(-57) ] to equal Buffer[ 123, 34, 112, 114, 111, …(-57) ] |
8a953a3a-2b99-4c1c-a968-3dcb8aaf4288 | cab1a8b0-df77-4592-9e44-8b64df646184 | LiveObjects.createMap sends MAP_CREATE operation with reference to another LiveObject | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin LiveObjects.createMap sends MAP_CREATE operation with reference to another LiveObject | Map value data type is unsupported |
fe315a9e-f795-4fdc-b41f-b01e6825ea7a | dd2064fa-1e4f-4807-9dac-686a159a52ca | can subscribe to the incoming COUNTER_INC operation on a LiveCounter | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can subscribe to the incoming COUNTER_INC operation on a LiveCounter | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'subscribe') |
c44893f6-e05e-4672-9345-c61b44420bd9 | 79fc145b-e2fc-4c94-9a22-1a38d76f61cc | can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via returned "unsubscribe" callback | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via returned "unsubscribe" callback | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'subscribe') |
d05fdc1b-715c-4435-b5f1-804e61de7a0d | b51b1f89-b7dd-49a8-8fb6-42dc3fd19c77 | can remove all LiveCounter update listeners via LiveCounter.unsubscribeAll() call | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can remove all LiveCounter update listeners via LiveCounter.unsubscribeAll() call | Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/home/runner/work/ably-js/ably-js/test/realtime/live_objects.test.js) |
b845e57a-6e37-4328-9695-93bf10b28260 | 5c955a26-24a7-45b6-8f18-25846ce0c6c0 | can unsubscribe from LiveMap updates via LiveMap.unsubscribe() call | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can unsubscribe from LiveMap updates via LiveMap.unsubscribe() call | Check map has value for key "foo-2" after all map sets: expected undefined to equal 'exists' |
89e9b43a-21f2-4d83-90c0-9a53dfbd97be | 554c29c9-9675-45c3-967f-087836cc2252 | presenceEnterWithData | realtime/presence presenceEnterWithData | Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/home/runner/work/ably-js/ably-js/test/realtime/presence.test.js) |