There are 16 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
a3b93163-1544-4f4b-a6c5-f55de4e78a29 | 23011b56-a353-4e96-b638-1d1b1e554706 | invalid_cred_failure | realtime/failure invalid_cred_failure | wrong error reason code on connection.: expected 40101 to equal 40400 |
d78027d0-62e5-4d4c-ab46-ccccaf3ddf04 | fd0af668-bf34-42d9-af06-a844bc85eef4 | MAP_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin MAP_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
752fd2b2-0f41-451a-97c8-111ffb02a5a5 | 7366c246-2d0b-4fc1-ae7a-2a34718383a5 | MAP_SET state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin MAP_SET state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
fa8e679d-5a59-4a5d-a7d8-fa301f5a4d06 | 87c2caf7-369f-4e7d-81cf-b32ec1e5461d | MAP_REMOVE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin MAP_REMOVE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
8805cfb1-f637-43b1-8501-3e0beb950a7c | e7ff86ed-c05e-4289-b00d-93a3503a2a6d | can apply COUNTER_CREATE state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply COUNTER_CREATE state operation messages | Check counter at "valueCounter" key in root exists: expected undefined to exist |
0527d29a-ba96-413f-9d15-183ddf1587e5 | fccfda3e-e16c-4136-bf8d-8eec77369e3b | COUNTER_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin COUNTER_CREATE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
3dc4108f-ccce-48bd-8aff-745202e56c8b | 59bddbf9-1802-4354-8167-e138ee3935e1 | can apply COUNTER_INC state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply COUNTER_INC state operation messages | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value') |
8504fc79-c7c8-416a-be5f-03297cabb13a | 0660bf9e-725e-429b-9e59-68eef594a77f | COUNTER_INC state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin COUNTER_INC state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
57bf8f4e-4c72-491d-b77d-a00b70db5e24 | 8f38b21d-1807-4a8c-bce5-17304179231b | OBJECT_DELETE for unknown object id creates zero-value tombstoned object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin OBJECT_DELETE for unknown object id creates zero-value tombstoned object | Invalid object id string |
1bd2bbab-6e67-4e7f-b7cc-472cb8feb517 | 9e02c8f1-7159-40a7-a1c3-d4ecd143866b | OBJECT_DELETE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin OBJECT_DELETE state operation messages are applied based on the site timeserials vector of the object | Invalid object id string |
49e87f45-141a-4a5b-ada4-e2eb05b89e3e | 40035b5d-ecdb-4d5a-828f-49820a946ed9 | LiveMap.set sends MAP_SET operation with primitive values | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin LiveMap.set sends MAP_SET operation with primitive values | Check root has correct value for "bytesKey" key after LiveMap.set call: expected Buffer[ 123, 34, 112, 114, 111, …(-57) ] to equal Buffer[ 123, 34, 112, 114, 111, …(-57) ] |
a2cb2ada-0c5d-40bc-a2c7-3e62c5969ac7 | fd5c9058-7206-46f0-ae5a-7ed516baff7b | LiveObjects.createMap sends MAP_CREATE operation with primitive values | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin LiveObjects.createMap sends MAP_CREATE operation with primitive values | Check map #2 has correct value for "bytesKey" key: expected { …(2) } to equal Buffer[ 123, 34, 112, 114, 111, …(-57) ] |
a53a961e-7993-4c35-b7a8-03c0711ef5ea | 79fc145b-e2fc-4c94-9a22-1a38d76f61cc | can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via returned "unsubscribe" callback | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via returned "unsubscribe" callback | Check counter has final expected value after all increments: expected 2 to equal 3 |
4f53a780-ca83-45c5-93b1-d8c3faf66109 | 9dd56cf7-7a4a-48b2-8424-5ba05a626a13 | can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via LiveCounter.unsubscribe() call | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via LiveCounter.unsubscribe() call | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'subscribe') |
9c623481-b1c3-43a3-b8d3-19439adb764c | b5aede22-028a-4837-ae29-f2103119c199 | tombstoned map entry is removed from the LiveMap after the GC grace period | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin tombstoned map entry is removed from the LiveMap after the GC grace period | Check key "foo" is inaccessible via public API on root after MAP_REMOVE: expected 'bar' to not exist |
bee8715f-97f6-45d5-b0a3-f20303f76b31 | 52208288-b692-40db-a614-2efd0cda7eac | presence_enter_before_know_clientid | realtime/presence presence_enter_before_know_clientid | Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/home/runner/work/ably-js/ably-js/test/realtime/presence.test.js) |