There are 10 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
966cf2aa-a404-4fd0-982a-7e67fc82799b | 73b81279-2c9c-49f8-9358-5f405a53f36a | throws an error | browser/modular attempting to initialize with just an API key BaseRest throws an error | expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logEr…' |
ccea8970-08b4-4bbb-a03a-d75ffea6b36e | 2c9d3670-8e1c-4921-957d-5e0cb7b1f6c6 | throws an error | browser/modular attempting to initialize with no client options _BaseRealtime throws an error | expected [Function] to throw error including 'must be initialized with a client opt…' but got '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logEr…' |
93cc308f-fe91-4e2c-b755-ac48b9019329 | 1c08f0ed-5332-4bef-94b0-c438c5244175 | closeOnUnload | rest/defaults closeOnUnload | (level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logErrorHandler : this.logHandler) is not a function. (In '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logErrorHandler : this.logHandler)("Ably: " + action + ": " + message)', '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logErrorHandler : this.logHandler)' is undefined) |
c0934aaf-8c45-48b7-9d6c-fafdc6b7b848 | b32eca19-953b-4c3d-8b56-7831b862d97f | presence_enter_inherited_clientid | realtime/presence presence_enter_inherited_clientid | Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |
be4517ba-fce7-459f-9230-8231d12a9d9b | 9f7e8282-bac5-453b-a185-0ceffd0674c2 | throws an error | browser/modular attempting to initialize with no client options BaseRest throws an error | expected [Function] to throw error including 'must be initialized with a client opt…' but got '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logEr…' |
6e8c1323-dfa5-40df-9826-a278bad9aec8 | 44ad39a7-7e5f-4507-9e28-e2e29cc602e7 | throws an error | browser/modular attempting to initialize with just an API key _BaseRealtime throws an error | expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logEr…' |
0e03dfef-0aa4-4075-afea-ebc27e844c0e | 82305654-c627-409d-91bc-a24ccd0859ef | throws an error | browser/modular attempting to initialize with just a token BaseRest throws an error | expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logEr…' |
e30af6d4-c600-4c9d-879d-45bcb81df15e | 85d524be-85cd-4aa0-88b9-95d890bd05b1 | throws an error | browser/modular attempting to initialize with just a token _BaseRealtime throws an error | expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got '(level === 1 /* Error */ ? this.logEr…' |
96580a30-77ae-4ae1-9746-be951cb69b63 | 130693c9-f1ca-4c1a-a6a9-6ea534c5f8c4 | decodes a presence message’s data | browser/modular PresenceMessage standalone functions decodePresenceMessage decodes a presence message’s data | undefined is not an object (evaluating '') |
025a53ba-45c7-4fd8-b0e3-ba166c2c8b50 | 0c9abc63-d78d-4cce-a154-d21e6691b8c0 | decodes presence messages’ data | browser/modular PresenceMessage standalone functions decodeMessages decodes presence messages’ data | undefined is not an object (evaluating 'decodedMessages.length') |