There are 3 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
22c73ea8-242d-4369-bdbe-94d94993366f | a060814b-7701-49e6-9a4d-62ae34bd3ef6 | subscribes to filtered channel | realtime/message subscribes to filtered channel | Expect only two filtered message to be received: expected +0 to equal 2 |
83992de3-572e-4b94-b66c-bebc637ffcee | 554c29c9-9675-45c3-967f-087836cc2252 | presenceEnterWithData | realtime/presence presenceEnterWithData | Timeout of 20000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |
6549c5ec-8a6a-4e1a-abf9-8b44f4262224 | cdc232e7-fdc7-4260-8912-950caaf93c31 | page_refresh_with_manual_recovery | browser/connection page_refresh_with_manual_recovery | Check new realtime recovered the old: expected false to be truthy |