Details of upload 4758b9be-368f-47ad-ac63-e2136358fb25

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Test failures

There are 19 failures in this upload.

Failure ID Test case ID Test class Test case Message
36c78c65-2f5a-45af-bc6b-b3e3d7fecf29 5b33421e-bc69-4221-979d-0ae9ece51104 contains expected fields rest/stats contains expected fields XHR error occurred (event type: error)
8a74adfc-dd8d-40b9-9f84-2517878d09f5 c9a538ed-6d42-4bb9-9ee4-53bc66b212b2 "before all" hook for "authbase0" realtime/auth "before all" hook for "authbase0" XHR error occurred (event type: error)
c1c25341-685d-43e1-90dd-dc374f0fc156 9da844e8-7619-457a-a7e8-1c9218a0e8d0 succeeds with plain url realtime/connectivity configured_connectivity_check_url succeeds with plain url Connectivity check completed null: expected false to be truthy
3ddc255b-5668-4333-a244-fb5228b90c4f 90333611-38bc-43b2-9259-007720817f28 "before all" hook for "Blanket intersection with specified key" rest/capability "before all" hook for "Blanket intersection with specified key" XHR error occurred (event type: error)
ec815420-cbdf-4dd2-8ffa-91d745fdee00 12117842-a47e-4270-8944-0f3b3f5a7a7b Store working fallback rest/fallbacks Store working fallback XHR error occurred (event type: error)
76fefbac-d748-45a8-ac36-b854765bb5a3 69f40d51-5f51-417e-abb3-106aa913b0b1 "before all" hook for "Base token generation case" rest/auth "before all" hook for "Base token generation case" XHR error occurred (event type: error)
4edbd47c-fa33-4f14-8aae-93904682836f a8bc2c10-dc8c-4e89-8223-e5e1b7004790 Should send X-Ably-Version and Ably-Agent headers in get/post requests rest/http Should send X-Ably-Version and Ably-Agent headers in get/post requests XHR error occurred (event type: error)
b8a32d61-31dd-42e5-8e3a-d0f9782950ae 08b1cb16-69b0-4153-a19a-386eeaefc8a8 Presence get simple rest/presence Presence get simple Verify correct number of messages found: expected +0 to equal 6
9b156cd6-a96f-44b4-b235-bb004ed32e79 4dd9f608-309a-4725-9422-dc046d3dad55 Presence history simple rest/presence Presence history simple Verify correct number of messages found: expected 12 to equal 6
7f71e40a-5a2a-4292-bc80-53b970f5499d 866a8a10-3c58-4084-91d4-c69f84b2b2a0 Presence message JSON serialisation rest/presence Presence message JSON serialisation JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
6f99a525-d1a8-4aa3-b4f7-ec17da0eed26 683619bd-fb38-4b92-963b-05fee0a96031 request_time with binary protocol rest/request request_time with binary protocol XHR error occurred (event type: error)
7d183141-9091-4902-be4b-3957e092caec ae0fc2ed-edd3-416a-93b8-65c8992f5d46 request_time with text protocol rest/request request_time with text protocol XHR error occurred (event type: error)
af29fd68-12bf-4979-ba00-fef9df1bff42 8b242b55-c04e-428d-af02-50c4ec0f205e time0 rest/time time0 XHR error occurred (event type: error)
e4579674-d2a4-42bd-bd01-7b65ac93a847 f4eebca3-45af-4e61-80d9-ccb0c6667907 accepts optional issuedBefore and allowReauthMargin parameters rest/revokeTokens accepts optional issuedBefore and allowReauthMargin parameters XHR error occurred (event type: error)
66e5a7ad-23fb-45a6-b8dd-d05476bea3af d06c5508-a3ec-4029-9109-b226f9c89bed allows you to call `time()` browser/modular Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call `time()` expected TypeError: NetworkError when attempting t… to be null
e64dcb5b-402d-40b6-9573-ecff000bcc51 93d5d397-3a59-4a74-999f-6766144de687 allows you to call `auth.createTokenRequest()` with `queryTime` option enabled browser/modular Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call `auth.createTokenRequest()` with `queryTime` option enabled expected TypeError: NetworkError when attempting t… to be null
3dbc13f4-c7e3-4170-a3a4-ef5b77edb033 f39b0af0-75ed-45eb-bb89-2f1604bc9f34 allows you to call `time()` browser/modular Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call `time()` expected TypeError: NetworkError when attempting t… to be null
a3590125-8256-46a4-87eb-469084f75f5d a827b036-9e9b-48e2-a1a3-739e70e9443c allows you to call `auth.createTokenRequest()` with `queryTime` option enabled browser/modular Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call `auth.createTokenRequest()` with `queryTime` option enabled expected TypeError: NetworkError when attempting t… to be null
39ab68b7-4744-42d6-bfe7-a479524bac47 576bd570-3800-4bf7-9f3e-e28e634ad2b4 prefers XHR browser/modular HTTP request implementations with multiple HTTP request implementations prefers XHR XHR error occurred (event type: error)