There are 11 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
4d3e6dd8-5f59-4286-8347-ef3909c042ab | 5a018b09-fb1d-46c2-9104-e34062f79582 | Basic rest JWT | rest/auth Basic rest JWT | Token request callback timed out after 10 seconds |
4f582fd3-c0e4-40b0-89d9-fd98c66117a5 | e8633f6d-7494-446f-875e-243b67bac028 | Rest JWT with return type | rest/auth Rest JWT with return type | Token request callback timed out after 10 seconds |
b9bda1aa-0369-4cff-8e70-ca6671502b81 | 9c05535a-a6c7-41af-b09e-300530db44a0 | Rest embedded JWT | rest/auth Rest embedded JWT | Token request callback timed out after 10 seconds |
ad9f81ec-0674-4001-a7b4-33d9897e737b | 0f05f3f3-84b7-47d0-be3d-c4f594d7b8fb | Rest embedded JWT with encryption | rest/auth Rest embedded JWT with encryption | Token request callback timed out after 10 seconds |
77c06b74-563e-4479-b135-0a12d00d87ec | 985723a9-17cb-4e6a-84a9-5e4cd4ea6268 | JWT request with invalid key | rest/auth JWT request with invalid key | Token request callback timed out after 10 seconds |
830c7a74-cba8-45c5-95b0-3a067ddfcdba | 9cd57e1b-b26e-4f63-9b16-3260e17ae4fa | Rest JWT with authCallback | rest/auth Rest JWT with authCallback | Token request callback timed out after 10 seconds |
b090c6e7-5ee7-4b15-a589-c68ad2a75f01 | 731541b9-a03d-4512-9059-e73035b1c9a2 | Rest JWT with authCallback and invalid keys | rest/auth Rest JWT with authCallback and invalid keys | Verify code is 40400: expected 40170 to equal 40400 |
2f178fb0-2490-4d39-9ad9-951f87e9ce96 | 08b1cb16-69b0-4153-a19a-386eeaefc8a8 | Presence get simple | rest/presence Presence get simple | Verify correct number of messages found: expected +0 to equal 6 |
dfb7199e-7b06-476f-828a-1a9d71add380 | 4dd9f608-309a-4725-9422-dc046d3dad55 | Presence history simple | rest/presence Presence history simple | Verify correct number of messages found: expected 12 to equal 6 |
aaea7dcb-a121-4156-8891-21ec6a6b9ee1 | 866a8a10-3c58-4084-91d4-c69f84b2b2a0 | Presence message JSON serialisation | rest/presence Presence message JSON serialisation | JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data |
77e6a2fb-7929-4184-a459-b106c11dd995 | cdc232e7-fdc7-4260-8912-950caaf93c31 | page_refresh_with_manual_recovery | browser/connection page_refresh_with_manual_recovery | Check new realtime recovered the old: expected false to be truthy |