There are 12 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
0fb5200b-756b-43e3-bac0-9501f4f6efaa | 7d341734-4c86-4ebe-b812-f5a5762892f8 | multiple_concurrent_authorize | realtime/auth multiple_concurrent_authorize | done() called multiple times in test <realtime/auth multiple_concurrent_authorize>; in addition, done() received error: AssertionError: Check second authorize cb was called: expected false to be truthy |
a259d395-02a8-4dac-9960-2d045dd8409e | 23011b56-a353-4e96-b638-1d1b1e554706 | invalid_cred_failure | realtime/failure invalid_cred_failure | wrong error reason code on connection.: expected 40101 to equal 40400 |
5238a2e9-b692-47eb-88a4-6d8277c27774 | f35d28a2-c8c1-486d-b211-4f2139de599c | STATE_SYNC sequence with state object "tombstone" property deletes existing object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin STATE_SYNC sequence with state object "tombstone" property deletes existing object | (0, import_deep_equal.default) is not a function. (In '(0, import_deep_equal.default)(,, { strict: true })', '(0, import_deep_equal.default)' is undefined) |
ed0133ba-085f-4324-8e67-42984132add7 | 9b755fbe-eb42-49e2-9737-0c9036c9fe0e | STATE_SYNC sequence with state object "tombstone" property triggers subscription callback for existing object | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin STATE_SYNC sequence with state object "tombstone" property triggers subscription callback for existing object | undefined is not an object (evaluating 'root.get('counter').subscribe') |
091980e5-3339-415f-b763-a4ad461fa0ac | 965dc96c-5721-40fb-8ce8-f5c03d94c013 | can apply MAP_CREATE with primitives state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply MAP_CREATE with primitives state operation messages | Check map at "valuesMap" key in root exists: expected undefined to exist |
ddce49ba-44cc-4629-ad23-8153627bcabe | 998d7ae6-36c7-4597-b379-275d747fbf5b | can apply MAP_SET with primitives state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply MAP_SET with primitives state operation messages | Check root has correct value for "falseKey" key after MAP_SET op: expected undefined to equal false |
e939b541-ab49-4643-865a-42f65675c565 | 59bddbf9-1802-4354-8167-e138ee3935e1 | can apply COUNTER_INC state operation messages | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can apply COUNTER_INC state operation messages | undefined is not an object (evaluating 'counter.value') |
a4203670-9550-4825-abee-f5fe9053287b | 687a8394-6e29-48f3-bb84-3dde77f4cff5 | state operation message on a tombstoned object does not revive it | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin state operation message on a tombstoned object does not revive it | Check counter1 exists on root before OBJECT_DELETE: expected undefined to exist |
618a6abc-8752-4fa7-82db-729da0e4a236 | 869626c3-a51b-4dcf-b89e-9ee474200966 | subsequent state operation messages are applied immediately after STATE_SYNC ended and buffers are applied | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin subsequent state operation messages are applied immediately after STATE_SYNC ended and buffers are applied | Check root has correct value for "foo" key from operation received outside of STATE_SYNC after other buffered operations were applied: expected undefined to equal 'bar' |
75985bb9-9341-43c5-b339-ea21b1771a1d | 9dd56cf7-7a4a-48b2-8424-5ba05a626a13 | can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via LiveCounter.unsubscribe() call | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can unsubscribe from LiveCounter updates via LiveCounter.unsubscribe() call | undefined is not an object (evaluating 'counter.subscribe') |
f24c9f80-bce8-49c8-9a2b-ea2d95933bd2 | b51b1f89-b7dd-49a8-8fb6-42dc3fd19c77 | can remove all LiveCounter update listeners via LiveCounter.unsubscribeAll() call | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin can remove all LiveCounter update listeners via LiveCounter.unsubscribeAll() call | Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |
0373a1e8-5358-4044-857e-e14e21e1eba6 | 0314ff19-4a5e-43a3-b2a6-2f1fd12442b8 | tombstoned object is removed from the pool after the GC grace period | realtime/live_objects Realtime with LiveObjects plugin tombstoned object is removed from the pool after the GC grace period | Check object exists in the pool after creation: expected undefined to exist |