There are 2 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
c4bed182-0ab7-434a-8604-e13ad5accc69 | 569e6bd6-438f-4749-a6cb-f24dbe8c96e5 | presenceMessageAction | realtime/presence presenceMessageAction | Action should contain string "enter": expected 'present' to equal 'enter' |
675a019c-4775-492e-ac38-1a09e9cc4f23 | ac023ab9-454f-4816-b7c3-c16cb238166f | presenceEnterAndLeave | realtime/presence presenceEnterAndLeave | Timeout of 20000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |