There are 36 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
d306277f-c345-4317-80fe-b32ff3e67fde | efa72b22-f05f-4ac2-8f15-438d0042d1ad | encrypt_message_128 | realtime/crypto encrypt_message_128 | Unsupported action number: undefined |
495863de-f333-4268-9713-ecf674182158 | 03f1ee35-c5d5-4ae5-bccc-cd0266152cf8 | encrypt_message_256 | realtime/crypto encrypt_message_256 | Unsupported action number: undefined |
43d5aa5d-9937-4502-b049-f07a14c38087 | 9294ef8c-7922-4756-8272-f38dd8178dfd | decrypt_message_128 | realtime/crypto decrypt_message_128 | Unsupported action number: undefined |
c14cdefe-ab3d-430a-878a-846b2b32bab4 | 0ac89b26-adf5-4aee-893d-738f0653e733 | decrypt_message_256 | realtime/crypto decrypt_message_256 | Unsupported action number: undefined |
ed4c24aa-0bc4-41c0-9b9a-f86b57e79711 | fff24d86-9453-4c0a-9e53-b2f497fa67f0 | fromEncoded_cipher_options | realtime/crypto fromEncoded_cipher_options | Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |
81bb9747-2cac-4311-8fec-93d76b186a46 | 9948c6ce-5769-447c-bc34-4340e9e9c081 | msgpack_128 | realtime/crypto msgpack_128 | Unsupported action number: undefined |
62201763-7ba5-4915-aca8-fb512a152233 | 52f983b7-c37f-4e38-b3bf-b7dd23b7ebb9 | msgpack_256 | realtime/crypto msgpack_256 | Unsupported action number: undefined |
253567b0-d4e7-4547-8d41-0980db9ceb7c | ca681e5a-b26c-42ef-ad71-5a3bbca44d41 | history_until_attach | realtime/history history_until_attach | Unsupported action number: undefined |
0fadadfd-c14b-4f5f-a254-e8315f87d474 | e174a94b-2ca2-49d0-8427-6a30586ef8a4 | history_simple with binary protocol | rest/history history_simple with binary protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
49a08508-a7c2-4c52-a331-efd27c7ce586 | b66e4930-4a36-4424-afff-51502d3e9461 | history_simple with text protocol | rest/history history_simple with text protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
e469cbfe-c1d8-4201-9564-56d66b317e16 | 4b146c77-312c-4c4c-9504-b350e6e14be7 | history_multiple with binary protocol | rest/history history_multiple with binary protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
143e5710-63d0-4053-b2b1-8436332bc8f6 | 8053abaa-edf9-4f9a-a818-560ce00f1a0d | history_multiple with text protocol | rest/history history_multiple with text protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
fccc6249-b82a-4af1-802d-dd3ad7c6e9a5 | aa418f13-50c8-4e2f-8520-90d2aa1e9692 | history_simple_paginated_b with binary protocol | rest/history history_simple_paginated_b with binary protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
d63bc910-ff9b-4250-a702-246f8a958549 | 9cf65513-6bbd-43d4-901d-2a7c653ee786 | history_simple_paginated_b with text protocol | rest/history history_simple_paginated_b with text protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
202219ed-f32a-46f3-af74-0b7b4341661e | 46509fbb-2b7e-445e-9006-0774f20818de | history_simple_paginated_f | rest/history history_simple_paginated_f | Unsupported action number: undefined |
0b07251f-375f-42cf-b238-0bd53b5337a8 | 0e3687a1-4f0a-4c23-9a14-10dff3fd551a | history_multiple_paginated_b | rest/history history_multiple_paginated_b | Unsupported action number: undefined |
02df7f3e-140c-4092-acf5-640842219b86 | 29c3f559-6f79-4abb-8b63-c875ce7bd8e4 | history_multiple_paginated_f | rest/history history_multiple_paginated_f | Unsupported action number: undefined |
dc4af86e-4b15-4cad-bfb0-1dbf371038f9 | 42a35d3a-fdc8-4d69-9c6b-380423ee05a3 | history_encoding_errors with binary protocol | rest/history history_encoding_errors with binary protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
09097c5f-9174-4114-ba39-317f96020c73 | 1e4fdb4a-b0d2-4be1-bf2f-2c559e5a26bd | history_encoding_errors with text protocol | rest/history history_encoding_errors with text protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
701538fa-7e6e-42dd-8ce1-3f2d1398e375 | 62a0afef-9b55-4ca9-858d-cd8e070e8f92 | Should implicitly send clientId when authenticated with clientId | rest/message Should implicitly send clientId when authenticated with clientId | Unsupported action number: undefined |
6340e7f5-c602-4a1a-aa49-1dd29c6e7cd5 | 3f3f73a8-0ce9-45ca-b921-6faee405bd8f | Should publish clientId when provided explicitly in message | rest/message Should publish clientId when provided explicitly in message | Unsupported action number: undefined |
d76438c3-2920-44a0-9756-24ad34431d91 | 0adddaa4-b83d-48b2-8c1d-1543f2cca9e9 | Should send correct IDs when idempotentRestPublishing set to false | rest/message Should send correct IDs when idempotentRestPublishing set to false | Unsupported action number: undefined |
e4f0dd9a-f619-4f9a-93c7-ee35c8a8b3b4 | b221c743-69f9-4a65-9020-5978f1e6ee5e | Should add IDs when automatic idempotent rest publishing option enabled | rest/message Should add IDs when automatic idempotent rest publishing option enabled | Unsupported action number: undefined |
439fd228-5119-40cb-bfb9-ba2dba830c6b | 9257399c-feb6-4ba5-a1d8-2c54b385d483 | request_post_get_messages with binary protocol | rest/request request_post_get_messages with binary protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
68437740-86b5-4ae3-9307-a7f9b8b391bb | f05ba40a-042c-4f66-ab92-aaad4ed63eda | request_post_get_messages with text protocol | rest/request request_post_get_messages with text protocol | Unsupported action number: undefined |
0fb319ea-f430-43df-ad82-26737d5f3be2 | effc159f-63a0-4318-9658-50617476999d | performs a batch publish and returns an array of results | rest/batchPublish when invoked with an array of specs performs a batch publish and returns an array of results | Unsupported action number: undefined |
b81042b5-e041-4352-a983-340dd36bd7c9 | 81db5bb3-23fd-4b77-af6d-cf193191c833 | performs a batch publish and returns a single result | rest/batchPublish when invoked with a single spec performs a batch publish and returns a single result | Unsupported action number: undefined |
e085c93f-abd7-4cd1-a796-f63b0d45c0fd | ec137204-7e64-470b-a34e-b0c7ac2ebf32 | allows you to call channel’s `history()` | browser/modular Rest BaseRest without explicit Rest allows you to call channel’s `history()` | expected Error: Unsupported action number: undefin… { …(3) } to be null |
abc47262-620c-4909-938e-de855148d5ef | 303d4b80-b287-41cc-bfa1-2570671b6fed | allows you to call channel’s `history()` | browser/modular Rest BaseRealtime with Rest allows you to call channel’s `history()` | expected Error: Unsupported action number: undefin… { …(3) } to be null |
c020186a-64cc-46b1-86db-6fbfe1e1cddc | eba5ce8f-eb53-4cd6-8fa5-ec4a6544f625 | throws an error when given channel options with a cipher | browser/modular Message standalone functions decodeMessage throws an error when given channel options with a cipher | expected 'Unsupported action number: undefined' to equal 'Crypto plugin not provided' |
5d4742d6-e9c8-490e-a155-797547faca58 | 8e1b4b18-adc7-40a0-a468-490d93faf7c6 | decrypts a message | browser/modular Message standalone functions decodeEncryptedMessage decrypts a message | Unsupported action number: undefined |
caefbbe7-8f6f-4afe-bb45-1146fbf6fed3 | d8be0cb9-0a01-43ce-a9fe-a1a4e9b88a6b | throws an error when given channel options with a cipher | browser/modular Message standalone functions decodeMessages throws an error when given channel options with a cipher | expected 'Unsupported action number: undefined' to equal 'Crypto plugin not provided' |
1abed1bc-992f-4acb-8501-51d11f26e9bd | f66e1568-a3ff-4642-b882-0f99d260d333 | decrypts messages | browser/modular Message standalone functions decodeEncryptedMessages decrypts messages | Unsupported action number: undefined |
97611e24-4c3c-4dba-8a20-8a7aa234d691 | ab94e4a4-cf6a-4666-b336-f97dc83c39e0 | is able to publish encrypted messages | browser/modular Crypto with Crypto BaseRest is able to publish encrypted messages | Unsupported action number: undefined |
106d4e32-905e-4f95-822c-d4707df66e62 | dcbadc63-40f7-4b5a-8a56-352b280609d0 | is able to publish encrypted messages | browser/modular Crypto with Crypto _BaseRealtime is able to publish encrypted messages | Unsupported action number: undefined |
dc16c0e0-f3a0-4279-9c45-9876fc4bb0cf | 8ae866df-a815-493c-9cc5-5b89e182c570 | can take a MessageFilter argument when subscribing to and unsubscribing from channel events | browser/modular MessageInteractions BaseRealtime with MessageInteractions can take a MessageFilter argument when subscribing to and unsubscribing from channel events | Unsupported action number: undefined |