Details of upload d0d40b24-2cde-4db8-b972-c8e751c5730d

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Test failures

There are 11 failures in this upload.

Failure ID Test case ID Test class Test case Message
8174b8a8-7eaf-49a3-bb7a-9c1e841d12c1 1c08f0ed-5332-4bef-94b0-c438c5244175 closeOnUnload rest/defaults closeOnUnload undefined is not a function
54558205-1949-4286-9aaa-95069763bafc 569e6bd6-438f-4749-a6cb-f24dbe8c96e5 presenceMessageAction realtime/presence presenceMessageAction Action should contain string "enter": expected 'present' to equal 'enter'
6ba4ab30-fd85-4b1c-833d-443889dd9c45 9b0dcec0-cfb4-4946-964d-ffc1db041f1a presenceSecondConnection realtime/presence presenceSecondConnection Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
b3100ab6-afc4-45c3-90dd-08044e95f26e 9f7e8282-bac5-453b-a185-0ceffd0674c2 throws an error browser/modular attempting to initialize with no client options BaseRest throws an error expected [Function] to throw error including 'must be initialized with a client opt…' but got 'undefined is not a function'
ae9aa70e-eb0f-4789-b4a1-8218ef107753 2c9d3670-8e1c-4921-957d-5e0cb7b1f6c6 throws an error browser/modular attempting to initialize with no client options _BaseRealtime throws an error expected [Function] to throw error including 'must be initialized with a client opt…' but got 'undefined is not a function'
91567545-238c-4e0a-9e67-01356f47ad6f 73b81279-2c9c-49f8-9358-5f405a53f36a throws an error browser/modular attempting to initialize with just an API key BaseRest throws an error expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got 'undefined is not a function'
c67e0faa-5d51-451e-98f5-ae8ccc032cd0 44ad39a7-7e5f-4507-9e28-e2e29cc602e7 throws an error browser/modular attempting to initialize with just an API key _BaseRealtime throws an error expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got 'undefined is not a function'
fd52288c-be8a-458b-8075-ea0a992cdc94 82305654-c627-409d-91bc-a24ccd0859ef throws an error browser/modular attempting to initialize with just a token BaseRest throws an error expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got 'undefined is not a function'
7847e455-c7a8-4825-9f3c-1fa5f5becefe 85d524be-85cd-4aa0-88b9-95d890bd05b1 throws an error browser/modular attempting to initialize with just a token _BaseRealtime throws an error expected [Function] to throw error including 'cannot be initialized with just an Ab…' but got 'undefined is not a function'
fea095b7-68e6-410f-a77c-ab9acc73f7d9 130693c9-f1ca-4c1a-a6a9-6ea534c5f8c4 decodes a presence message’s data browser/modular PresenceMessage standalone functions decodePresenceMessage decodes a presence message’s data decodedMessage is undefined
f7c327ca-9241-421a-9b56-ee92d7177942 0c9abc63-d78d-4cce-a154-d21e6691b8c0 decodes presence messages’ data browser/modular PresenceMessage standalone functions decodeMessages decodes presence messages’ data decodedMessages is undefined