There are 7 failures in this upload.
Failure ID | Test case ID | Test class | Test case | Message |
50cda5c6-b47d-46cd-a700-547d5ea5b3b9 | 7d341734-4c86-4ebe-b812-f5a5762892f8 | multiple_concurrent_authorize | realtime/auth multiple_concurrent_authorize | done() called multiple times in test <realtime/auth multiple_concurrent_authorize>; in addition, done() received error: AssertionError: Check third authorize one cb was called: expected false to be truthy |
7591926c-26d7-4a8c-b778-c9eaac6a2d6e | a060814b-7701-49e6-9a4d-62ae34bd3ef6 | subscribes to filtered channel | realtime/message subscribes to filtered channel | Expect only two filtered message to be received: expected +0 to equal 2 |
af64d46e-fc6e-462c-b64d-89fc4fab625c | ac023ab9-454f-4816-b7c3-c16cb238166f | presenceEnterAndLeave | realtime/presence presenceEnterAndLeave | Timeout of 20000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |
9f92afcb-40c3-4a3f-bd8b-142815b18a2e | 9b0dcec0-cfb4-4946-964d-ffc1db041f1a | presenceSecondConnection | realtime/presence presenceSecondConnection | Timeout of 20000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |
509350ec-f4d1-4324-aa99-a468715b0f30 | aa304eca-3d01-4f9c-ac7e-a79063b78c79 | multiple_pending | realtime/presence multiple_pending | Timeout of 20000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. |
6007c033-4575-4959-b5e7-2cfd82fcad30 | 35368c05-6d9f-4676-8882-a38be97542f4 | page_refresh_with_recovery | browser/connection page_refresh_with_recovery | Check new realtime recovered the connection from the cookie: expected false to be truthy |
d76d62c8-4338-40fe-87a8-21dcc833ebf5 | cdc232e7-fdc7-4260-8912-950caaf93c31 | page_refresh_with_manual_recovery | browser/connection page_refresh_with_manual_recovery | Check new realtime recovered the old: expected false to be truthy |